Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Mole

The Mole

Who Was The Mole?

Who was The Mole who betrayed the U2, Oleg Penkovsky and Pyotr Popov? Certainly we should know the elusive Mole James Jesus Angleton was after.

William Hood's book The Mole is about how the FBI bungled the Popov affair by careless surveillance of Soviet agents Popov betrayed, and gives good background on tradecraft. Hood's name  is also on the bigot list of those in the CIA who read documents on Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination.

Who was the Mole who betrayed Penkovsky, Popov and the U2, three of America's closely guarded secrets of the Cold War?

There are a number of suspects - three of the KGB Cambridge double agents were stationed in Washington for a time - Guy Burgess, Donald McLean and Kim Philby, with Philby, as the official representative of MI6, was certainly in a position to do so.

It was the CIA's Dirty Trickster in Chief  Frank Wisner who explained to Philby how the CIA was funding ts covert operations through private philanthropic cut-out foundations like the Catherwood Fund and other cooperative millionaires and corporations. So the Ruskies knew how it worked from the get-go, but the American people didn't learn about it until the Ramparts magazine revealed it.

Philby was also a close martini drinking buddy of Angleton, and for a time William Harvey, who was the first to really suspect Philby, and they almost came to blows when Harvey and Guy Burgess got into a scuffle at a booze drenched party at Philby's apartment on memorial night.

Besides Philby, other suspects include the two former NSA analysts who disappeared like Burgess, McLean and Philby and turned up in Moscow, having defected through Mexico and Cuba, a route Oswald was interested in taking.

Then there are the mid-level clerks like "The Falcon and Snowman," kids who fed their coke habit by selling pilfered NSA documents to the Russians as walkins to their embassy in Mexico City, also ala Oswald.

Robert Lipka, a NSA file clerk, who Mitrokin gave up to solidify his bonafides, years after Lipka had retired, could have passed on pilfered docs that somehow betrayed the U2, Penkovsky and Popov, but  highly unlikely - the Mole was more like Philby.

When Lipka was arrested, cause Mitrokin had dropped a dome on him, he was brought before a judge and acknowledged his guilt, and added that he even saw NSA documents that gave the name of JFK's real assassin. The judge immediately ended the proceedings, but while Lipka was being led away an alert reported asked him the name of JFK's assassin, and Lipka replied - Louis Angel Castillo.

Posted by Bill Kelly at 9:52 AM  
1 comment:
Brace Berg said...
Philby was out of SIS in the aftermath of McClean and Burgess defecting to Russia. Philby would have no access to CIA classified information. Philby went to Russia as well in the Summer of 1963.

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